The Bible

We believe the bible is the inspired word of God. Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, men were led to pen down what they received, and after, these were complied to be what we have as the bible now. The scriptures as it is referred to is Old Testament books, were the reference for the New Testament and as such are the authoritative word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16 )

The Trinity

Our God is three in one. Though the word trinity is not clearly written in the bible, the concept can be seen throughout the pages of the scriptures. We do believe that God is one but for the sake of redemption, he expresses himself in different forms, in the old testament as the father, in the gospels in the son and the epistles, and in the church as the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit

The gift of the Father whom Christ left for the believer and the unbeliever. in the case of the unbeliever, to draw them to Christ by convicting them of their need for a savior, and for the believer, to express the nature of Christ and serve as the deposit of our inheritance. (John 14)

Biblical Teachings

The best way for a believer to grow is through teachings. This is one of the major commands given to every believer—to disciple. Christ himself took time to teach whenever the opportunity presented itself. Through teachings, believers are built up so they can build others up as well this is why Jesus spent forty days teaching his disciples upon his resurrection and then commissioned them to do the same. (Matthew 28:18-20)


Coupled with teachings, prayer is an essential part of the life of a believer. One major thing every believer needs to engage in is prayer. We are urged by Jesus to pray always and as such, we take prayer seriously. (Luke 18:1-8)

Eternal Salvation

Since our Father is an eternal God, we expect nothing less from Him when it comes to salvation also. Since He is an eternal God, we are assured of eternal salvation from Him. Evidence of this can be seen throughout the scriptures. (John 3:16-18)

Gathering of the Saints

As a family, we need to have fellowship and the best way to do that is when we gather together. Through our gathering, there is impartation and mutual fellowship. We can edify one another and grow together. Hebrews 10:25


Marriage is an institution that is set up by every culture. As a result of that, the culture determines the rules of the marriage institution. In our culture as believers, our standard reflects that of Christ, as such, our marriage is between a man and a woman and it’s eternal in nature as Christ and his church. However, it is not something that is forced on anyone, it is a choice of a person, they can decide to marry or not, if they do decide, it should reflect Christ and his church. (Ephesians 5:28-33)

Evangelism and Discipleship

Through the process of evangelism, we all became citizens of the Kingdom of God. with the privilege we have as citizens, we are urged to do the same to those who have not believed. The Great Commission is the mandate for all believers to go out and make disciples, but to make disciples, we have to first evangelize. (Matthew 28:18-20)


Though tithing is not a New Testament preaching, giving is encouraged in the New Testament. For the advancement of the gospel and to honor those who labor in word and deed, believers are encouraged to give and to give cheerfully according to what they have purposed in their hearts. (1 Tim5:17)